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Natural Wildlife And Animal Art Portraits

Type: Other

Brooklyn, NY, USA

I would love to create artwork for people who love animals and natural wildlife. I feel as though that my services would be great for people who would love to have a professional piece of artwork associated with a person’s favorite animal that they adore and admire the most in their lives. I want to make artwork associated with a person’s favorite animal and make a piece of art that contains one of their favorite pets that the pet owners recently own or I can make a portrait of their beloved pet that recently passed I would like to make this as an option for people who want to have memories for their old pets they once owned in their households. Also, I think that my services would be useful for people who wants to design their homes and apartments with their favorite animal as a background portrait design for their household or a picture of their favorite pet they grew up with for all of their lives. I can guarantee that I will do my best to make the greatest pieces of artwork that deals with creating iconic pictures of animals and pets that people across the world will admire my artwork and the majority of my art portfolio that consist of only natural wildlife and animals all across the world that are either popular throughout the internet and on the mainstream media such as having my animal artwork being promoted in advertisements, TV shows, and movies. I want to develop a better portfolio that consist of having more of a professional artwork display of my favorite animals that I have admired and I was inspired by drawing certain animals such as horses, dogs and cats when I was growing up as a child and learning about different animals in public school and reading animal wildlife books.